Architecture with the photographer’s eyes


23.11.2019 – 30.08.2020

Carlo Scarpa _ La Tomba Brion
Photo: Klaus Kinold

Klaus Kinold, Carlo Scarpa and Giuseppe Brion: Three great names united at the Museum DKM. The Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa created a Gesamtkunstwerk on two thousand square meters for the Brion family in homage to death. As a place of meditation, grave site, pavilion, and chapel represent a great architectural monument.

Museum DKM is dedicating a series of exhibitions to the Munich based architect, artist and photographer Klaus Kinold, who originates himself in the Ruhr area. The series starts with Carlo Scarpa bringing his La Tomba Brion in focus. Here the photographer’s exceptionally attentive, precise and sober gaze for uniqueness becomes perceptible. His architectural photography takes center stage and unfolds its effect to the viewer. Capturing the particular atmosphere of the site, it resurfaces immanently in the eye of the viewer.

The main exhibition space features Kinold’s photographic view of the tomb, followed by panoramic works exploring Carlo Scarpa’s home in the Veneto and Venice in the successive rooms.

Exhibition view Museum DKM
Photo: Klaus Kinold