Schams! Schaak! James!
04.09.2009 – 01.03.2010
The exhibition was accompanied by an artist’s book with many images and texts by the artist in German and English.
Schams! Chess! James!
«Schams! as it is written in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake: Skam! Schams! Shames!»
The first temprorary exhibition in the Museum DKM is dedicated to the Swiss artist Hannes Vogel.
With Schams! Chess! James! he penetrates into the depths of the Schams Mountain Valley (Graubünden): he questions and examines, connects and separates, registers and plays with the «micro»cosm in order to attain a complex artistic statement. Analytically and playful at the same time he shows structures with the help of chess and advances history on the trail of James Joyce.